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How wonderful that you would like to host a Ladies Who Latte Networking Meeting.

Please read and follow the steps below.

Step 1. Have a look at the 'Ladies Who Latte Group Starter Pack' and about the commitment that we need from you before you decide to go ahead; can you commit the time? We would really like you to be able to commit one morning a month for a year. Becoming a Latte Leader does mean you agree to our Terms and Conditions so take a look at those too. We also need to know that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy for the handling of the data that you give us. 

Step 2. Complete the application form below. We will then be in touch. We like to make sure your proposed new group is not going to clash with existing ones in date or location. You can avoid any issues with this by checking the mapped meetings to see who your nearest group are and then check they are not too close in time or distance. 

Step 3. WE will then set up your Facebook Private Group and connect you to it as moderator. We will also set your meeting up on the calendar and the map on the main website. PLEASE DO NOT set up a Facebook presence yourself, we have a brand and ethos to follow for consistency. We will also add you to the Lovely Latte Leaders Facebook group so you don't miss organisation-wide communications. For help running the Facebook group we have Social Media Guidelines you can read.

Step 4. At this stage you are good to go! You can promote your group as widely as possible. We have press release templates, logos and promotional items for download in the leaders group.


Tell us about yourself:

The details that you enter, in this section, are held privately in order to contact you about your application and stay in touch. For a full understanding of how we 'control' and 'process' your data please see our Privacy Policy. The form is structured so you only have to fill in your details once for the private and public information.


This should be the location the group will be meeting in. For example 'Ascot Ladies Who Latte' meet in Ascot. 
Your address:
 [at least one month ahead please]
Confirmed meeting venue:
The confirmed venue where you will hold your physical networking meetings. Without this we cannot get you up and running because we need to make sure your new meeting will be half an hour in travel time OR two weeks on the calendar apart from any existing groups. 

Tell your Ladies Who Latte Group about yourself:

The details that you enter, in this following section, are the details we will publish on the event calendar so that Ladies wishing to attend your group, that may not be able to find you or wish to check holidays etc. can contact you. For a full understanding of how we 'control' and 'process' your data please see our Privacy Policy.

Your Latte leader is:
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.
We will use this to introduce you as the new leader in the Facebook Group.