“Ladies Who Latte supports business women
by example and inspiration.”
Mary Flavelle
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you ever meet for Breakfast networking?
2. I have read that the meetings are FREE is this true?
3. Do I need to register or be a member of Ladies Who Latte to attend the meetings?
5. Can children attend meetings?
6. Can you tell your ladies about my event?
8. Can I join groups across the country now you are using Zoom?
9. As a leader if I then decide to start my own networking group what should I do?
1. Do you ever meet for breakfast networking?
Breakfasts are a difficult thing for a lot of our members to attend, as many are working from home due to minding children – in fact this is partly why Ladies Who Latte was created, however, as many of our ladies say it is not just due to children that they have started their own businesses. Ladies Who Latte is a FREE networking opportunity. It is our way of giving back in gratitude to those who helped us in our early business days. Please see our calendar on: www.ladieswholatte.com/ladies-who-latte-meeting-dates.htm
2. I have read that the meetings are FREE is this true?
Yes. There are no charges and no fees to attend the networking meetings. You just have to buy your own tea or coffee and that is it – join in. There may be a system for ordering coffee that the Latte Leader has negotiated with the venue so it is always best to find the leader when you get there or ask one of the other ladies what the best way to get your coffee is.
3. Do I need to register or be a member of Ladies Who Latte to attend the meetings?
No. You can just turn up to meetings and get involved or you can contact the Leader ahead of your visit if you prefer. Our Lovely Latte Leaders contact details can be found on the Ladies Who Latte Calendar on the website here: www.ladieswholatte.com/ladies-who-latte-meeting-dates.htm
4. Can men attend meetings?
"Why just women?" you may ask. Well, whilst we don't advocate exclusion as such, quite simply, it makes that first step into networking for us ladies that much easier. We all know what a big step it is to put ourselves out there to promote our businesses and knowing that we only need to create conversation with fellow ladies makes it that much less intimidating. This is a networking event for all women in business. They may not be comfortable, confident or even welcomed (sorry to say) in mainstream networking with the mainstream business networking events that are out there. The suits do not welcome the Avon lady very well – for example. That is why we exist as a vital stepping stone where ladies can grow in confidence and knowledge – and then move on to other networking.
5. Can children attend meetings?
When Ladies Who Latte first began it was because of the time constraints mums had to deal with around childcare that made it work. If the need arose, then it was informal enough that children could be brought, enabling mum to still build her business connections. Ladies Who Latte has come a long way in twelve years and we feel that the 'best practise' approach is that it has to be at the discretion of the Latte Leader.
BUT we would also suggest to Mums that need to attend with children to limit their time at a group just so they can pass out cards or introduce themselves. This is a business meeting and an opportunity to make good business connections. They should respect the group and others who do not have children or those who have been able to find child minders. Come along by all means but don't stay. That way no-one will be offended and they will feel more welcomed. Basically there is no pleasure in bringing children to these meetings. They get bored and are a distraction. Mums should try to attend these meetings without children to make the most of being able to focus on their business with like minded people even if it is for a short period of time.
6. Can you tell your ladies about my event?
The best way to connect with the Ladies Who Latte group in your area is locate whichever one is nearest to you and go along to the meeting – you will find an email address of the Latte Leader on the calendar of events so you can double check the meeting is happening if it is in the holiday season. www.ladieswholatte.com/ladies-who-latte-meeting-dates.htm You will reach the people you want to that way.
Alternatively you can always advertise your business or events on the main Ladies Who Latte website. All the details and info you need are here: www.ladieswholatte.com/advertise-on-ladies-who-latte.htm
7. The Facebook Group/Page of the group I attend doesn’t have the same logo or kind of header as the other groups I have seen - Is this an official Ladies Who Latte Group/Page?
There are a few Groups/Pages for Ladies Who Latte that were created before the visual identity was formerly introduced. We work with our lovely leaders to get their Groups/Pages looking consistent with the Official Ladies Who Latte brand. If you are finding groups that do not have the official branding then it may be that they have slipped through our communications net and are unaware that there is a consistent brand to be a part of. Do let them know they can contact Mary or Billie at admin@ladieswholatte.com and we can help them rectify this.
We set up the Facebook Groups (Pages if specifically requested instead of a Group) for ALL new Ladies Who Latte Groups centrally so we can brand them consistently and pass on access to new leaders that take over discontinued Ladies Who Latte Groups. We do this once all the details of a new group are confirmed and they are therefore on the calendar of meetings, along with the contact details of the Lovely Latte Leader of that group. So you can check if the group exists on our calendar of meetings
The organisation branding sets the naming convention of a Facebook Group/Page as '[Location] Ladies Who Latte' and the same logo and visual configuration as the main Ladies Who Latte Facebook Page so you can see who is genuinely part of the bigger organization and who is not. We hope this helps all our ladies in their understanding.
8. Can I join groups across the country now you are using Zoom?
As soon as we are legitimately able to, groups will restart physical monthly meetings for their community and possibly continue with a monthly Zoom meeting to keep people in touch – or allow you to reach a wider audience. However it is only regular attendees at group meetings that can use the Facebook Groups for regular contact and advertising their business' at the discretion of the leader. These groups are private to allow the leaders to manage this.
If you would like to reach the wider network to advertise your business then full details of how to do that can be found on the banner advertising page of this website. OR you can join the Latte Collective and position yourself as an expert in your field. Full details about this can be found on the Latte Collective Welcome page of this website.
9. As a leader if I then decide to start my own networking group what should I do?
If you decide to grow your own networking group you must stand down as Latte Leader. You are not entitled to rename and take over your existing Ladies Who Latte group under another name. As a Latte Leader you are using the Ladies Who Latte brand, as agreed in the Terms & Conditions to promote your group and that exists on the Ladies Who Latte Website. Therefore it must be given the opportunity to continue as such after you leave. It would be appreciated if you were to find a new leader within the group. You must be completely transparent with your intentions to all the Ladies Who Latte attendees, giving them the freedom of choice for an additional networking opportunity rather than a replacement. We ask you to respect the meeting dates and not clash with your new enterprise.