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Photo by Anthony Espinosa on Unsplash

"What I love most though is the friendships that have come out of it for lots of the ladies. Quite a few are working together now."

Paula Elliot - Sandwich Ladies Who Latte Leader



Debbie Wordley

Hungerford Ladies Who Latte Leader

A photo of Debbie Wordley - Marlborough Ladies Who Latte Leader

I came across the Marlborough LWL group via word of mouth from good friends who attended. The thought of standing up and selling myself filled me with fear. It took me months before I took the courage to attend. Everyone there was so friendly I soon relaxed and after a couple of months I set up the Hungerford group.

I wanted the emphasis on the group to be about sitting around a table and chatting to like minded ladies. Sadly we only managed to hold 5 meetings before lockdown! We have joined forces with the Marlborough group and held Zoom meetings throughout lockdown.

We are all looking forward to getting back to face to face when things settle down. LWL has enabled me to meet some lovely ladies and some great local businesses that I didn't know existed!

Debbie Wordley

Award Winning Nanny Introduction Agency

Tel: 07393572320

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Who are Ladies Who Latte?

Every month with no agenda and no meeting fee our amazing Latte Leaders bring together motivated and like minded business women to chat – building support networks for their businesses whilst they are doing it.

Countless friendships have also been born out of these very collaborations too.

Ladies Who Latte welcomes all women in business and this section of the website is dedicated to sharing the successes of those women in business who network with Ladies Who Latte.

If you would like to share some words about how Ladies Who Latte has helped your business please send them along with a photo to and we will introduce you below.

Quotes from our Ladies Who Latte.

"Ladies Who Latte just would not BE if it were not for our amazing Latte Leaders dedicating their time and passion!"

Billie Sharp - Ladies Who Lattte

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Latte Collective Taster Articles:

This is a photo of Billie Sharp of and Ladies Who Latte

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